고1 요지, 주장 정답 근거 문장 & 푸는 법
요지, 주장 문제는 아무리 어려워도 80%에 가까운 정답률이 나오는 유형입니다. 대개는 85% 이상이라고 봐도 무방할 것입니다. 일단 보기가 한글로 나오니까요.
푸는 법 또한 간단합니다.
1. 지문 한 두문장을 읽고 소재를 파악한다.( 주제가 아님)
2. 마지막 문장을 읽고 답을 고른다.
3. 답이 안 나오면 마지막 전 문장을 보고 답을 고른다.
위의 방법대로 풀면 보수적으로 잡아도 95%는 풀린다고 확신합니다.
아래는 고1 요지, 주장 기출문제 중 정답을 알려주는 문장과 주요 문장을 편집한 것입니다.
1. You can buy conditions for happiness, but you can’t buy happiness. Happiness is also like that. You have to cultivate happiness; you cannot buy it at a store. 고1 2019(6월)/20
2. It is most likely that you will be able to work best if you concentrate on your studies but allow yourself regular breaks — every 30 minutes or so — to catch up on those other pastimes. 고1 2019(3월)/21
3. So once the additional facts are understood — that the person was referring to a song and not a real fire — the context is better understood and you are in a better position to judge and react. It is so important for us to identify context related to information because if we fail to do so, we may judge and react too quickly. 2018(11월)/20
4. When in doubt, we need to cross-check story lines ourselves. The simple act of fact-checking prevents misinformation from shaping our thoughts. 2019(9월)/20
5. If, however, you want people to read and understand what you write, write it in spoken language. Even when specialists in some complicated field express their ideas, they don’t use sentences any more complex than they do when talking about what to have for lunch. If you simply manage to write in spoken language, you have a good start as a writer. 2018(6월)/20
6. Do not base your decision on what yesterday was. You must decide to forget and let go of your past. Your past experiences are the thief of today’s dreams only when you allow them to control you. 2018(3월)/21
7. However, the play must be owned by the children. When children are allowed to develop their language play, a range of benefits result from it. 2017(6월)/20
8. Don’t let distractions interrupt your attentive listening to the speaker. You want to send the message that what the speaker is saying is important to you. That message will ring hollow if you answer your cell phone and put the speaker on hold. If your cell phone rings while you are in a conversation, fight the urge to answer. 2016(11월)/20
9. However, when someone exhibits some difficult behavior, you might want to reserve judgement for later. But you should never make such assumptions right away. You should give someone a second chance before you label them and shut them out forever. 2017(9월)/20
10. Since you can’t use gestures, make faces, or present an object to readers in writing, you must rely on words to do both the telling and the showing. Show more than you tell. Use words to make the reader see. 2016(3월)/20
11. Kids learn mostly by example. They model their own behavior after their parents and their older siblings. Your actions speak louder than your words. Do not expect your kids to know for themselves what is good for them. 2016(9월)/20
12. But on the other hand, the Internet glues us to our computer monitors and isolates us from our fellow human beings. We need to create a balance between the World Wide Web and the real wide world we live in. Turn your computer off for one day a week, leave your laptop at home, get out into the real world and live your life. 2015(6월)/23
13. So this year, for our birthdays, let’s tell our friends and family to donate money to a charity instead of buying us presents. However, remember that we can live without new toys or games more easily than someone can live without food, clothing, or shelter. So, we should tell our friends and family that, for our birthdays this year, we want to give to others. 2015(3월)/19
14. To solve this problem, they need to learn how to change their focus after the negotiation is complete. They must view their results in a more positive manner. With this simple adjustment of focus they will recognize everything they were able to get in the negotiation and feel pleased with their work. 2014(6월)/19
15. But you should know that multitasking doesn’t save any time. Give your whole focus to what you’re doing at the moment no matter what it is. Focus on one task at a time, and you’ll accomplish each task better, and probably faster. 2015(11월)/20