고1 모의고사 주제 문제 주요 문장 두 번째
11. why creating things is better than shopping
If you’d rather save your money, try finding pleasure in creating things rather than buying things.
We get the same kind of satisfaction from making things that we do from buying things.
Even if you end up spending money making things yourself, you’re at least building a skill rather than a collection of stuff that’s quickly decreasing in value. 2017(9월)/22
12. negative effects of students’ overconfidence on school life
That said, negative consequences also stem from being too confident in the classroom.
Students who have relatively accurate perceptions regarding their progress in learning tend to use more effective study habits and perform better on tests than do those with more error-prone views of their knowledge. 2016(11월)/22
13. importance of taking time in responding
Technology makes it much easier to worsen a situation with a quick response. The more something causes your heart to race, the more important it is to step back before speaking or typing a single word.
This will give you time to think things through and find a way to deal with the other person in a healthier manner. 2016(6월)/22
14. dark sides of hydroelectric dams
However, there are a few things about dams that are important to know.
The water released from the dam can be colder than usual and this can affect the ecosystems in the rivers downstream.
The worst effect of dams has been observed on salmon that have to travel upstream to lay their eggs.
If blocked by a dam, the salmon life cycle cannot be completed. 2016(3월)/22
15. localization of English in different places
But then, you realize that mostly there’s something you may find odd about the way English is used there.
If you are abroad, English is likely to be somewhat different from the way you speak it.
Well, if you stay there, wherever that is, for a while, you’ll get used to this. And if you stay there even longer, you may even pick up some of these features and begin to sound like the locals.
What this example teaches us is: English is no longer just “one language.” 2015(6월)/20
16. benefits of using science fiction in the science classroom
Because a great deal of science fiction is rooted in science, it can be used to bring literature out of the English classroom and into the science classroom. Not only does science fiction help students see scientific principles in action, but it also builds their critical thinking and creative skills.
Students can also build their creative skills by seeing scientific principles used in a different way, possibly creating science fiction stories of their own or imagining new ways to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned. 2015(9월)/21
17. inaccuracy of information recalled over time
Results such as these are part of the reason people make mistakes on the witness stand when they are asked months later to describe a crime they witnessed. 2016(9월)/22
고1 주제 문제 정답 보기 & 주요 문장 첫 번째
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