고1 주제 문제 정답 보기 & 주요 문장 첫 번째
1. influence of social lies on interpersonal relationships
In that respect, social lies such as making deceptive but flattering comments (“I like your new haircut.”) may benefit mutual relations. Social lies are told for psychological reasons and serve both self-interest and the interest of others. 2019(9월)/23
2. benefits of storytelling in teaching history
Storyteller Syd Lieberman suggests that it is the story in history that provides the nail to hang facts on. Students remember historical facts when they are tied to a story.
The study indicates that the material presented by the storytellers has much more interest and personal impact than that gained via the traditional method. 2018(3월)/22
3. tree rings suggesting the past climate
These rings can tell us how old the tree is, and what the weather was like during each year of the tree’s life. Because trees are sensitive to local climate conditions, such as rain and temperature, they give scientists some information about that area’s local climate in the past. 2019(6월)/23
4. how most sand on the beach is formed
While some sand is formed in oceans from things like shells and rocks, most sand is made up of tiny bits of rock that came all the way from the mountains! But that trip can take thousands of years. 2019(3월)/20
5. pricing strategy using the way people read numbers
Since the nineteenth century, shopkeepers have taken advantage of this trick by choosing prices ending in a 9, to give the impression that a product is cheaper than it is. 2018(11월)/22
6. need to build social bonds for human survival
Human beings have long depended on the cooperation of others for the supply of food, protection from predators, and the acquisition of essential knowledge. Without the formation and maintenance of social bonds, early human beings probably would not have been able to cope with or adapt to their physical environments. 2018(6월)/22
7. problems behind the fast fashion industry
tens of millions of people in developing countries, some just children, work long hours in dangerous conditions to make them, in the kinds of factories often labeled sweatshops. Most garment workers are paid barely enough to survive. Fast fashion also hurts the environment. Garments are manufactured using toxic chemicals and then transported around the globe, making the fashion industry the world’s second-largest polluter, after the oil industry. And millions of tons of discarded clothing piles up in landfills each year. 2018(9월)/22
8. inner pleasure driven by viewing the world from different angles
Sometimes, we are fascinated when our assumptions are turned inside out and around. The artist Pablo Picasso, for example, used Cubism as a way to help us see the world differently.
His artwork helps you see the world differently and reminds you there are alternative ways of using shape, objects, and colors. The reward for this is the intrinsic pleasure you get by looking at this work.2017(11월)/21
9. role of a dog’s tail in keeping balance
Have you ever wondered why a dog doesn’t fall over when he changes directions while running?
However, the dog’s tail helps to prevent this. Throwing his tail in the same direction that his body is turning serves to reduce the tendency to spin off course. 2017(6월)/22
10. impacts of noise on academic achievement
Noise in the classroom has negative effects on communication patterns and the ability to pay attention. Thus, it is not surprising that constant exposure to noise is related to children’s academic achievement, particularly in its negative effects on reading and learning to read. 2017(3월)/21
2020/04/16 - [입시정보] - 고1 영어 글의 목적 기출문제 정답 근거 문장 & 푸는법
2020/04/19 - [입시정보] - 고1 요지, 주장 정답 근거 문장 & 푸는 법
2020/04/20 - [입시정보] - 고1 요지, 주장 문장 두 번째