고1 모의고사 제목 문제 정답 및 중요 문장
1. Zebras’ Stripes: Nature’s Defense Against Flies 고1 2018(6월)/23
The question of what zebras can gain from having stripes has puzzled scientists for more than a century.
In 2013, he set up fly traps covered in zebra skin and, for comparison, others covered in antelope skin. He saw that flies seemed to avoid landing on the stripes. After more research, he concluded that stripes can literally save zebras from disease-carrying insects.
2.Repetition and Categorization: The Key to Memory 2018(3월)/24
Let me prove to you that all people are potential geniuses, with brains designed to store, control, and remember large amounts of information through memorization by repetition.
In other words, you’ve seen those organized items over and over again, and the arrangement by category makes it easy for you to memorize the store’s layout. You can categorize 10,000 items from just one store.
3. Questioning for Better Comprehension 2019(3월)/23
Quality questions are one way that teachers can check students’ understanding of the text. Questions can also promote students’ search for evidence and their need to return to the text to deepen their understanding. Teachers take an active role in developing and deepening students’ comprehension by asking questions that cause them to read the text again, resulting in multiple readings of the same text. In other words, these text-based questions provide students with a purpose for rereading, which is critical for understanding complex texts.
4. A Relationship Opener: Asking for a Favor 2019(9월)/24
Benjamin Franklin once suggested that a newcomer to a neighborhood ask a new neighbor to do him or her a favor, citing an old maxim: He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another than he whom you yourself have obliged. In Franklin’s opinion, asking someone for something was the most useful and immediate invitation to social interaction. Such asking on the part of the newcomer provided the neighbor with an opportunity to show himself or herself as a good person, at first encounter. It also meant that the latter could now ask the former for a favor, in return, increasing the familiarity and trust. In that manner, both parties could overcome their natural hesitancy and mutual fear of the stranger.
5. Eyes: Secret Helper to Make Society Better 2019(6월)/24
Over the ten weeks of the study, contributions during the ‘eyes weeks’ were almost three times higher than those made during the ‘flowers weeks’. It was suggested that ‘the evolved psychology of cooperation is highly sensitive to subtle cues of being watched’, and that the findings may have implications for how to provide effective nudges toward socially beneficial outcomes.
6. Exercising When Sick: A Good Move? 2018(9월)/23
But when you feel sick, the story changes. “Exercise is great for prevention, but it can be lousy for therapy,”
If you have the flu or other forms of fever-causing systemic infections, exercise can slow recovery and, therefore, is a bad idea. Your immune system is working overtime to fight off the infection, and exercise, a form of physical stress, makes that task harder.
7. How Lying Affected Human Survival 2017(11월)/23
This capacity gave early human beings a major evolutionary edge. They’d already demonstrated their mastery of the deceptive arts by hunting prey with artfully hidden traps or by tricking them into running off cliffs. As the human capacity to speak developed, so did our ability not only to trick prey and deceive predators but to lie to other humans. This too could be advantageous. Those who could persuade members of a rival tribe that a westward-moving herd of caribou had migrated east won a battle in the war for survival. Verbal deceitfulness gave early humans such a survival advantage that some evolutionary biologists believe the capacity to speak and the ability to lie developed hand in hand.
8. Safe Purchase: What Consumers Pursue Eagerly 2017(3월)/23
Consumers are generally uncomfortable with taking high risks. As a result, they are usually motivated to use a lot of strategies to reduce risk.
Consumers also reduce uncertainty by buying the same brand that they did the last time, believing that the product should be at least as satisfactory as their last purchase.
9.Let Natural Consequences Teach Kids 2017(9월)/23
They never learn how to bounce back from failure or how to recover from mistakes because their parents prevented them from making poor choices.
Natural consequences prepare children for adulthood by helping them think about the potential consequences of their choices.
10. Success Doesn’t Come Without Failure 2016(11월)/23
In the history of sports and in our ‘winning is everything’ culture, I’m not aware of anyone who ever won every game, or every event, or every championship they competed for.
While we don’t think of him as a failure, but rather as a champion, the plain fact is, he failed much more than he succeeded on this measure, and that’s generally the way things are for anyone. Failure precedes success. Simply accept that failure is part of the process and get on with it.
2020/04/16 - [입시정보] - 고1 영어 글의 목적 기출문제 정답 근거 문장 & 푸는법
고1 영어 글의 목적 기출문제 정답 근거 문장 & 푸는법
글의 목적 문제는 정답률이 최근 몇 년간 90%가 넘을 만큼 쉽습니다. 또한 아래 문장들과 고2, 고3 모의고사 및 수능에서 보듯이 정답 근거 문장에는 어느 정도 공통점이 있습니다. 1. 요청 (ask, woul
2020/04/19 - [입시정보] - 고1 요지, 주장 정답 근거 문장 & 푸는 법
고1 요지, 주장 정답 근거 문장 & 푸는 법
고1 요지, 주장 정답 근거 문장 & 푸는 법 요지, 주장 문제는 아무리 어려워도 80%에 가까운 정답률이 나오는 유형입니다. 대개는 85% 이상이라고 봐도 무방할 것입니다. 일단 보기가 한글로 나오니
2020/04/20 - [입시정보] - 고1 요지, 주장 문장 두 번째
고1 요지, 주장 문장 두 번째
고1 요지, 주장 문장 두 번째 지난번에 이어 고1 요지, 주장 기출문제 중 정답 근거 문장 및 주요 문장을 편집한 것입니다. 16. In contrast, people living in neighborhoods with safe biking and walking lane..
2020/04/27 - [입시정보] - 고1 주제 문제 정답 보기 & 주요 문장 첫 번째
고1 주제 문제 정답 보기 & 주요 문장 첫 번째
고1 주제 문제 정답 보기 & 주요 문장 첫 번째 1. influence of social lies on interpersonal relationships In that respect, social lies such as making deceptive but flattering comments (“I like y..
2020/04/28 - [입시정보] - 고1 모의고사 주제 문제 주요 문장 두 번째
고1 모의고사 주제 문제 주요 문장 두 번째
고1 모의고사 주제 문제 주요 문장 두 번째 11. why creating things is better than shopping If you’d rather save your money, try finding pleasure in creating things rather than buying things. We..